这一节主要摘录一些 C/C++ 的语言特性(我时常会忘记的那些,比较偏的 main() 可以理解为程序运行时就会执行 main() 中的代码。实际上,main 函数是由系统或外部程序调用的。最后的 return 0; 表示程序运行成功。 ...
back prop as an algorithm has a lot of details and can be a little bit tricky to implement. Unrolling ParametersWith neural n...
这一节,Andrew在这一节,避开了 partial derivative(偏导数)的计算,只给出了比较直观的数学解释。推荐知乎文章:吴恩达机器学习:神经网络 | 反向传播算法详尽地推导了反向传播算法 Cost FunctionDefination ...
这里主要集结了CS229,week 4的内容,感觉也没啥内容。。。可能是,之前就比较熟悉lenet5分类器的缘故。 None-linear Hypotheses提出了 Neural Network Neurons and the Brain大概就是,...
OverfittingModel can fit the training dataset perfectly, but can’t do genelize well to the test example. Underfittingor high ...
Classification and RepresentationClassificationLinear Regression with a threshold to divide the data in different class.But t...
收录了CS229_Coursera Machine Learning (Andrew Ng) 的编程作业可以到github到链接里,找对应到答案 Ex1: Linear Regression with Multiple Variablesgith...
Computing Parameters AnalyticallyNormal EquationNormal Equation is the second way of minimizing Cost Function , except Gradie...
Multivariate Linear RegressionMultiple FeaturesLinear regression with multiple variables Remark: Note that for convenience...
Parameter LearningGradient DescentBy taking the derivative(the tangential line to a function) of cost function, we can get a ...