Stochastic Gradient Descent we have a very large training set, gradient descent becomes a computationally very expensive proc...
Recommender systemswhat recommender system do is looking at users and predict how they would have rated other movies that the...
Anomaly DetectionDensity estimationDataset: {}Is anomalous? . Application Fraud detection Manufacturing Monitoring comput...
Clusteringgiven unlabeled dataset and we would like to have an algorithm automatically group the data into coherent subsets K...
Large Margin ClassificationSVM’s Cost Function Support Vector Machines take the magenta line to replace the Sigmoid term. Th...
we take building a Spam Classifer as example. These contents below is a little disjointed. Prioritizing What to work on Impro...
开始尝试学习操作系统。按照,北京大学郑钢前辈所作的 《操作系统真象还原》 一书。 有分层概念的计算机计算机具有分层概念。 由各个部分组合而成一个系统,每一部分就是一个功能模块,各司其职。 只完成一定的工作,并将工作的结果(输出)交给下一层模块(外设...
学习路线感谢创佬分享的攻略 数学和数论看看这里就行,主要是为了配合其他算法的应用 字符串内容差不多就这么多,其中KMP可以多花时间 木子喵neko 木子喵neko – 教算法打apex的管人算法辅导
Evaluating a Learning AlgorithmSome trouble shooting for errors: Getting more training examples Trying smaller sets of featu...
文件的概念文件,是根据特定的目的而收集在一起的有关数据的集合。 万物皆文件C/C++ 把每个文件都看成是一个有序的字节流,每个文件都以 文件结束标志(EOF)结束。 文件的操作步骤 open the file. 将文件指针指向文件,决定打开...