Symmetric matrices and positive definiteness Symmetric matrices are good - their eigenvalues are real and each has a complete...
Diagonalization and powers of We know how to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In this lecture we learn to diagonalize any ...
Properties of determinantsDeterminants Now halfway through the course, we leave behind rectangular matrices and focus on squa...
Orthogonal We could say that this is part two of the fundamental theorem of linear algebra. Part one gives the dimensions of ...
Independence, basis, and dimension What does it mean for vectors to be independent? How does the idea of independence help us...
Not just vectors, but spaces of vectors and sub-spaces of those spaces. 不只是向量,还包括向量空间和这些空间的子空间。 Vector spaces Let we say ag...
Note: the properties of A and b determine the solutions x (if any exist) and pay particular attention to the solutions to A...
Course Introduction and the Four Subspaces Least Squares, Determinants and Eigenvalues Positive Definite Matrices and Applic...
课程简介(刘老师说) 计算机图形学主要分为: 建模(设计) Modeling 动画(仿真) Animation 渲染(绘制) Redering 分别对应 GAMES 的基础课 102,103,101因为,最近在折腾mesh deformatio...
写在前面今天是 2022-09-09,开始学习vim,感觉vim很神奇也很硬核,慢慢学习掌握吧 现在是 2023-3-17,有了半年的使用和学习经验,重新编辑vim-tutorial 优化内容排版结构 给出更明确的学习路线 这篇文章,看起来内容很...