MEME_Hung-yi Lee
Carpe Tu Black Whistle

collect some memes appeared in the courses Machine Learning instructed by Hung-yi Lee

Pokemon & Digimon

从左到右依次是: 小火龙(李老师说他笑的很猥琐)、波波、亚古兽、“手刀乌龟”(经过考据,就叫做“乌龟兽”

Attack on Titan


Explainable AI

用监督学习来分辨 Pokemon & Digimon,all the pictures of Pokemons are Png format but the other are in Jpg format

Area of ML

探讨机器学习的领域的时候,Prof. Lee: “如果我们说,机器学习就是Regression与Classification,那么就跟说,世界只有五大洲一样,我们都知道,在这五大洲之外,还有更大的黑暗大陆。“(鬼灭之刃出现以前,就已经前往黑暗大陆了,鬼灭之刃完结后,竟然还没有到。)

Deep Learning

Prof. Lee 说,换个名字(deep learning)就会使得人变潮,卖草鞋的,叫自己汉左将军中山靖王

Pokemon Master

Q: How many layers? How many neurons for each layer?

A: It’s as hard as to become a master of Pokemon