01_Object Oriented Programming

What’s an object
- Object = Entity
- Object may be
- Visible or
- invisible
- Object is variable in programming languages.
Objects = Attributes + Services
- Data: the properies or status
- Operations: the functions
- From the problem space to the solution one.
这是一种从 问题空间->解决空间 的映射
What’s object-oriented
- A way to organize
- Designs
- Implementations
- Objects, not control or data flow, are the primary focus of the design and implementation.
- To focus on things, not operations
Object Oriented Programming
- Objects send and receive messages(objects do things!)
send messages
- Message are
- Composed by the sender
- Interpreted by the receiver
- Implemented by methods
- Messages
- May cause receiver to change state
- May return results
class & object
The fish is fish. The bird is bird. (Aristotle)
- Objects (cat)
- Represent things, events, or concepts
- Respond to messages at run-time
- Classes (cat class)
- Define properties of instances
- Act like types in C++
OOP Characteristics
- Everything is an object
- A program is a bunch of objects telling each other what to do by sending messages.
这里是 what to do 不是 how to do
- Each object has its own memory made up of other object.
- Every object has a type
- All objects of a particular type can receive the same messages.
- The interface is the way it receives messages.
- It is defined in the class the object belong to.
functions of the interface
- Commnication
- Protection
The Hidden Implementation
- Inner part of an object, data members to present its state, and the actions it takes when messages is rcvd is hidden.
- Class creators vs. Client programmers
- Keep client programmers’ hands off portions they should not touch.
- Allow the class without worrying about how it will affect the client programmers.
- Post title: 01_Object Oriented Programming
- Create time: 2022-08-05 00:22:43
- Post link: Code-like-tourist/01-object-oriented-programming/
- Copyright notice: All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.